10 Best Tips For an Effective Email Marketing Strategy

email marketing

Effective Email Marketing Strategy has to be written and implemented clearly to attract more attention in the inbox. For whatever length of time that there is no spamming of subscriber lists, email marketing is an excellent tool for getting exact messages to the customers and prospects. It supports customer interaction and continues reminding the prospects to connect directly.

There are 3 different types of emails in the email marketing field:

  1. Transactional Emails

These emails are automated, triggered by the customer’s activities. These include welcome messages, registration, payment update emails, order tracking, and more.

They play a crucial role in email marketing because these have a great potential in terms of the trust. When an email is sent to the customer, if there is any response from them, it indicates that they are likely to interact with your business. These emails usually have higher open rates and assist cross-selling and building customer engagements.

  1. Marketing Emails

These emails are informational and promotional. These are usually sent to those contacts who subscribed to updates and information about your services. The email list usually includes clients, prospects, vendors, affiliates, reporters, and so on. Marketing related emails usually include different types of content but are mainly used to generate higher a ROI by delivering messages about promotions, press releases, announcements, surveys, and follow-ups.

  1. Operational Emails

These emails generally have information related to the business like maintenance plans, holiday closures, changes to the service availability, and so on. These emails are great to get better engagement rates from contacts and to build trust with your brand.

With that, you can use these types of email messages to add hidden messages that may appear to be informative. These can be crafted to increase sales and branding. Describing the value of the service is also a kind of update and will be a great way to remind the contacts who haven’t converted yet.

Here are some easy and effective email marketing tips for your business:

  1. Distinguish the Subscribers

With a strong determination, there should be a sending strategy where there is a need to understand the subscribers. Dig out the details like who are they, what they are interested in, how to interact with them.

Thinking more about the subscribers will make the marketer realize and identify different groups through a campaign.

A few people may not stay for a long time in the email lists while others may be new to the business. In that case, lead nurturing has to be performed.

It is suggested to differentiate the emails rather sending a blast to all the recipients of the email list with the same information. It can create a personalized experience with each and every subscriber.

For targeting different types of contacts, it is suggested to create a separate targeted email list.

  1. A/B testing

Don’t send any email without testing. There are many email marketing tools available in the present market that helps in tracking and testing the emails that have to be mailed to the clients.

Collect data from the campaigns and test elements and analyze how better alterations are to be made in future. A/B testing is the best way to test the emails. It helps to run the tests on call to actions, subject lines,  and content that is mainly focused to engage the audience.

  1. Do it personal

Add personal information to the emails. Since most of the email tools ask for entering shortcodes that shall be replaced with the name when they are triggered to the customer inbox. Add some fun and creative information in the subject and add personalized email content that is attached to an email address. When the customer replies to the email, the response id is prompted with the same name.

Segment the message to the particular audience in case if there are multiple industries. Probably try sending different versions of emails with specific industry particulars.

  1. Ensure to have an inspirational landing page for the campaign

This is beyond the general ways of sending an email.  A/B testing is known to find the graph of email marketing and allows to get huge sales from the efforts.

Sometimes, guesswork may not give expected results. The split test should not limit to a few emails. It is also necessary to the traffic it gets and the response to which it takes. That is a landing page which is directed when the subscriber clicks on the email.

For getting high ROI, and higher conversion, it is always necessary to build beautiful and effective landing pages. Check whether the landing page contains a strong headline, sub-headline which reemphasizes the described headline, Images and videos that tells everything about the landing page concept. It should include customer logos, testimonials and so on.

Make sure to add the same content that is mentioned on the landing page to avoid the confusion. Concentrate more about the offer that is subjected in the email.

  1. Add call-to-actions and links

The main importance of doing email marketing is to increase traffic to the website. So it is suggested to add interesting call-to-actions. Also, add interesting links that describe and features everything that is related to the subject. Add some visual buttons along with the text that makes the reader visit and interact again.

  1. Use white space

Most of the subscribers check the emails sent by the company or individuals within their busy schedule. It is obvious that the customer is not receiving the emails only from the single company or individual. So it is necessary to make the email scannable in order to reach the right customer who would like to open it. Because scannable content is more flexible to read.

The format of each email should have a lot of White Space. It means every paragraph that is described in the body of email has to be optimized. Make sure to write short and simple paragraphs with headings and subheadings. It helps to bring prospect’s attention and convert them to the increase the chances of marketing. Add intro and Read more links if the content is more.

  1. Leverage social media

There will be less engagement with social media networks, but they are powerful in generating the email list for engaging more audience. According to the recent research, it is known that nearly 85% of the people use the internet and among them, 62% use social media networks.

To leverage the social media, create landing pages on different social media networks. Always share advanced content over social networks. Try to include a few incentives for subscribing the email list. Try hosting webinars to increase email marketing effectively. Conduct contests, giveaways, and sweepstakes. Create ads and test them on social media networks.

  1. Allow easy unsubscribe facility

In a few email lists, customers will remain idle and are not interested to participate in the campaign. They neither be involved in any conversation nor subscribe to any newsletter provided in a blast.

For them, there has to be an option for unsubscribing so as to come out of the list and hence to disable all the actions. Unsubscribing the member’s email id from the list is so simple. If else they are idle and marks all the emails as spam, there could be a problem for the entire campaign.

  1. Make it mobile friendly

According to the benchmark reports generated by some companies, it is known that 53% of the emails are opened in the mobile or tablet screen. So it is necessary to make the email marketing campaigns mobile responsive. This can also bring great engagement with mobile users.

For making the email marketing mobile responsive, consider the following:

  1. Convert the email to the column template which can fit into any mobile device. Add important elements in the center of the screen.
  2. Make a 44px call to actions which are easy to tap.
  3. Optimize the format for retina devices, limit the subject line to 30 characters or less than that.
  4. Track the data

It is suggested always to have an eye on the results and the data that is placed in the email. If there is anything wrong with the content or the format which reaches to the most experienced and high-professional prospects, they may report it as spam and take it seriously.

To avoid such circumstances make sure to verify the content and the messages included in it, don’t miss any tiny details because these may tell about the performance of the email.

Use Google Analytics to enable tracking of data and traffic to the website and for checking the visitors who arrive at the site.


Hopefully, all these tips can make any email campaign effective and attract more audience, therefore, reach more potential customers to the business. There are many companies who afford many email marketing tools which are responsible for making the business grow.