12 ways to increase productivity at work


Two months before the baccalaureate, you were wondering how you were going to learn the entire final year program in such a short time? It is probably at this point that you started to ask questions about productivity, since then, this is an endless puzzle. Are you trying to stay motivated and productive in your work? Here are some turnkey ways to apply on a daily basis.

Number#1. Do What You Love

It is difficult to do a good job when we do not like it. So think seriously about what you like in life, your goals and go for it! In this way, you will be more productive.

The first step is to focus on yourself, focus on what you like or do not like in life. It will then be necessary to define what you are good at and how it can bring you money. Finally, surround yourself with people who support you in your projects.

Number#2. The To-Do List: Your Productivity Ally

Listening, classifying and organizing your goals and tasks will reduce your mental burden and help you forget everything.

If you have time and are motivated, the news bullet allows you to put everything in writing: your agenda, your tasks, your moods, your sleep, in short everything that goes through your head. The trend for a few years, you can use any notebook or notebook. The first section is used to record your goals for the month. Then simply draw an agenda to ask your tasks day after day. It is above all a tool to your needs, your desires, and your personality.

Number#3. Stop Procrastinating!

We all do it, some more than others; Procrastination is the pathology of postponing work. If you are a student, these are the times when you know that you have a duty to do but that you prefer to do everything except this duty: cleaning, shopping.

If you work, these are the mornings where you go around your mailbox and all your social networks before getting to work.

In short, procrastination is the sworn enemy of productivity. To eliminate it requires great mental strength.

When you have a job to do, never take more than three seconds to think, otherwise, it will be too late … You will begin to find excuses and postpone your work. So, shout “STOP THE FLEMY” and get started!

Number#4. The Future Belongs To Those Who Get Up Early

It is a fact tested and approved; we are more productive in the morning. Indeed, we come out of a good night and are full of energy. Throughout the day it dissipates and fatigue accumulates. However, it is not a generality. Many people are productive at night. Try to work at different times of the day to see when you are most productive. But above all, listen to you!

Number#5. Avoid Dispersing In Your Tasks

Does your job require you to be on multiple projects at the same time?

Warning: you are not multitasking. Trying to multitask at once increases your stress level. List them and make them one by one. There is nothing more satisfying than scratching them on your to-do list.

Number#6. Prioritize Your Tasks

Depending on its importance or the deadlines, decide which one has priority over the others. This avoids being overwhelmed. Sorting e-mails according to their urgency of treatment or thematic helps to remain organized and serene in front of their affluence. You will not waste time searching for them!

Number#7. Find Your Source Of Inspiration

A book, a film, a personality that inspires you, finding sources of inspiration can increase your motivation, boosting yourself with slack shots. Bizpiration is the blog providing free printable office wall art and other downloads. Inkjets.com is a top online provider of low-priced yet high-quality replacement ink and toner cartridges.

Number#8. Take Breaks

Because you are not a robot, it is important to empty your head from time to time. Take a real break when you feel the need. If you see that you are stuck on a task, because of a lack of inspiration or fatigue, there is no point in persisting, leave it aside for a while and come back when you have clearer ideas.

Studies have shown that you are more creative when you walk. So go get some fresh air and come back for the rest of your day. Your result will be affected!

Number#9. Sleep!

Anyone normally constituted needs at least 7 hours of sleep per night to be truly productive. Otherwise, you accumulate fatigue and your results suffer. The tendency is to morning routines: get up early, at the same time every day of the week to do activities that you never have time to do usually.

The conditions for this to work are to go to bed early and find in advance activities that motivate you to get up in the morning. It is not suitable for everyone and does not guarantee a 100% increase in productivity.

Number#10. Practice A Sporting Activity

In order to evacuate the tensions and the mental load, to spend physically is essential. This frees you from your frustrations, allow you to refocus on yourself and your goals and push back your mental strength. In addition to all its other benefits, practicing a regular sports activity will increase your productivity.

Number#11. Keep Activities That Appeal To You

Working is important, but enjoying life is so much more! Give yourself pleasant moments with family, friends, do activities that relax you. Forget your job when you’re gone, this will allow you to come back refreshed and full of energy the next day.

Number#12. Eliminate Any Form Of Distraction During Work

When you start a job, find a quiet place, mute your smartphone and especially resist the call of social networks every two minutes!

Spending 10 minutes every half hour watching your news feeds prolongs your time on the task, reduces your concentration and ends up making you lose patience. You then fall behind and find yourself in a vicious circle that greatly reduces your productivity.

Finally, social media as a communication and dissemination tool is especially important for team members working together in the office or on the other side of the planet. While most employers believe that social networks are a distraction, social networks, according to infographic can support communication and employee interaction. Lots of employees believe social media supports their decision-making process, share ideas, work together as well as solve problems together; you want to check the infographic to know more.