3 Reasons You Should Make the Switch From a Network Video Recorder to a Hybrid-Cloud Video Surveillance System


Although network video recorders (NVRs) have long been the old stalwarts when it comes to video surveillance, there are actually many reasons they could be endangering your business’ security. From security issues that could put your entire business at risk for Peekaboo exploits to limited storage and expensive maintenance, switching your business to use a hybrid-cloud video surveillance system should be a no brainer. Here are three of the biggest reasons to make the switch from an NVR surveillance system to a hybrid-cloud solution.

Hybrid-cloud systems provide better security

One of the biggest reasons to consider switching to a hybrid-cloud surveillance system is to shore up the many security weaknesses that NVRs come with. Unlike an NVR, hybrid-cloud surveillance features end-to-end encryption which is in effect whether or not your cameras are active or resting. That encryption even carries over to the onboard storage and cloud-based backup, so hackers who manage to infiltrate your data storage are still at a loss when it comes to accessing and viewing your recorded videos. Hybrid-cloud surveillance systems don’t require port forwarding or open ports, either, which is another strength they have when compared to NVRs.

Beyond better encryption and more secure ports, a hybrid-cloud security camera system also offers you a more up-to-date platform. Rather than go through the cumbersome steps to update an NVR–or even worse, stay stuck on an outdated version thanks to archaic hardware incompatibilities–hybrid-cloud systems automatically update, so that you can rest assured that the latest firmware is always in effect. This translates to a more secure surveillance system, since hackers often take advantage of outdated tech when searching for weaknesses to exploit. 

A hybrid-cloud surveillance solution is easier to use

In addition to their stronger security, hybrid-cloud surveillance systems are designed with a software-first philosophy, meaning that they are more user friendly than traditional NVRs. Thanks to the cloud, a web-based interface means that your surveillance system can be monitored and adjusted from a variety of web-enabled devices. Manufacturer Verkada even offers the ability to access your security feed via Apple TV! Utilizing the cloud also introduces powerful, easy-to-use features to managing your surveillance cameras, like searchable databases and the ability to export and share feeds with just a few clicks. Managing users is also a breeze, since permissions can be adjusted based on a user’s role, specific locations, and particular times of day. All of this offers you something NVRs struggle to provide: flexibility.

Hybrid-cloud systems scale more affordably

The flexibility provided by hybrid-cloud systems also translates to a platform which scales much for a fraction of the cost of other systems. If your business was expanding and you needed additional NVR cameras installed, you would effectively be paying for the same system twice, since a dedicated server and storage would be needed at each location. Thanks to the cloud, hybrid-cloud surveillance systems are centralized online, meaning that connecting to an existing system is simple. This means that you can scale your business for the cost of additional hardware rather than the maintenance and labor costs necessary to get two separate NVR systems communicating. This is a win-win for small businesses with an eye towards growth as well, as enterprises looking to manage their video surveillance while making the most of their IT and security budgets.

The above list is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the advantages of choosing cloud-based security camera systems over NVRs. If you want a simpler setup that keeps your costs low as your business grows, it’s hard to imagine a better option than a hybrid-cloud system from a company like Verkada.