It’s easy to see the appeal of the entrepreneurial road. After all, not only does it offer a greater degree of control and flexibility with the work, but more importantly, it presents more financially lucrative opportunities than a traditional nine-to-five job. However, just because it’s easier to...
It's expensive to run a storefront. Retail owners struggle harder to pay rent, inventory, physical equipment and utilities. Even the small retail shop is expensive to launch. An ordinary person cannot afford to start an ecommerce business. Thanks to the internet world!!! Running an...
“…in this world, nothing can be certain, except death and taxes.” Ben Franklin For some, the very thought of doing taxes have them feeling like they would rather face the other inevitability of life! Most individuals and business owners find them...
The overall efficiency of the call center is determined by both the smooth processes of the operators and the technological solutions. If call center operators waste time dialing the number to make the next phone call in line or independently determine who to call next from the...
Infographic created by WSI, a service warehousing company
Digital signage is probably the most trending medium businesses are using for marketing. Digital signage solutions are an exciting mix of conventional and modern marketing tactics and are apt for the new age. Though the benefits of incorporating digital signage solutions into your business are endless, creating...
The job of a business analyst is considered one of the most sophisticated jobs in the world. And if you want to get your foot in this exciting career choice, a master's in business analytics can help you get there. Many students are confused about their career...
From a young age, some of us are destined to become our own boss. If you don’t like being told what to do and would rather be at the front of a company, launching your own startup and having total control may be best suited to you. 
Online shopping is booming, and in the Middle East and North Africa, the UAE is the most advanced e-commerce market. A study between the Dubai Economy and Visa projected the country's e-commerce transactions to cross $16 billion in 2019 and rise by an average of 23 per...
 A theoretical diagram that characterizes the construction and activity of corporations or organizations is called Enterprise Architecture. The plan of big business engineering is to decide how an association can adequately accomplish its current and future target.          The Enterprise Architecture benefits incorporate more proficient...